2024 Gold Star Indoor Lacrosse League Rules

2024 USA Lacrosse Rules & Updates for Girls Lacrosse

ALL 2024 US Lacrosse / NFHS Rules Apply

TEAM SIZE: Each team will play with seven players (1 goalie, 2 attack, 2 defense and 2 midfield). Both teams can agree to play with eight players (1 goalie, 2 attack, 2 defense and 3 midfield) at the start of the game if numbers are large. Net rejecters will be used if no goalies are present.

EQUIPMENT: All players are required to wear a mouth guard and lacrosse goggles. Goalies must wear ALL protective equipment: helmet with chin guard, chest protector, protective pants, shin guards, gloves and mouth guard

GAME LENGTH: Two, 25 minute, running time halves; the clock will start on the hour. Teams must be ready to play 5 minutes before the hour. The clock will run even if teams are not ready to play.

DRAW:  Draws will be taken at the beginning of each half. After a goal the play will start again with the goalie clearing to her defense. After 5 total goals, a draw will be taken again.

END OF GAME - DRAWS:  No draws in the last 5 minutes of the second half.This is so close games can be played out without stopping to take a draw (since time is running). This can be adjusted at the discretion of the referee.

SUBSTITUTIONS: All substitution will be on the fly or at a stoppage of play that is acknowledged by the official. Players are not allowed to stand on the field waiting to be substituted.

CLEARS: A goalie has 10 seconds to clear the ball once she has gained possession. If a goalie leaves the crease area with the ball she cannot return to the crease with possession of the ball. Goalies are not allowed to cross the midfield line.

NO GOALIE - CLEARS: If a team does not have a goalie and the ball is saved by the rejecter, one player can enter the crease to collect the ball and clear.

ONE PASS RULE:  Teams must make one pass once over the midfield line before going to goal. If a team intercepts the goalie clear, or causes a turnover in their offensive zone, they may go directly to goal without a pass.


  • For a whistle blown for a foul outside the critical scoring area, the player who is awarded the free position or possession, after coming to a stop/settled stance, may continue the course of play without waiting for an additional whistle. The player who committed the foul must make an attempt to go behind and all other defenders must be 4 meters away.  The defender who fouled and all other defenders may engage as soon as the self-start happens.
  • To resume play when the ball has gone out of bounds:
    • Any opponent will place the ball in their crosse and shall commence play with a self-start unless the game clock is stopped.
    • Play begins when the player with the ball steps inbounds relative to the spot where the ball went out of bounds.
    • If the player commences play from out of bound with a pass, the official shall blow the whistle and the opposing team will be awarded possession.
  • When a shot or deflected shot on goal goes out of bounds, the team of the player whose body or crosse is inbounds and nearest to the ball when it crosses the boundary will gain possession of the ball (this new rules removed the procedure where the goalkeeper restarts play in the goal circle when they are closest to the ball when it crosses the boundary line and goes out of bounds)

FREE MOVEMENT:  Players are allowed to move around the playing field, instead of being required to hold their positions on a whistle or stoppages.


Field 2 (Back field – sidelines)

  • Sidelines – US Lacrosse rules apply


6 field players– 4 players are allowed in the offensive zone. 2 field players, and 1 goalie remain in the defensive zone

7 field players– 5 players are allowed in the offensive zone. 2 field players, and 1 goalie remain in the defensive zone

The mid-line is considered the restraining line


SEEDS FOR FINALS: All teams play the last week. After 6 weeks, all teams will be seeded. Seeds are determined by 1. Points (2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, 0 points for a loss) 2. Goals Against. 3. Goals For. No head to head as not all teams play all opponents.

MAJOR FOULS:All US Lacrosse rules apply

  • ILLEGAL USE of CROSSE: If contact is made with a stick that is being held in a horizontal position, the fouls shall be on the player whose stick is in that horizontal position.
  • Check roughly or recklessly. Checks will be controlled.
  • A player who checks to the head will receive a YELLOW CARD: a 3-minute penalty and the team will play a man-down. A second yellow card to the same player may result in game ejection.
  • Slash, excessive slashing will result in a YELLOW CARD - 3 minute, man down penalty.
  • A player’s crosse cannot come within the sphere, around the face or throat of an opponent.
  • With any part of her body guard the goal outside the goal circle so as to obstruct the free space to goal, between the ball and the goal circle, which denies the attack the opportunity to shoot safely. This call should be made only if the player with the ball is looking to shoot. If she is being doubled or tripled teamed and she has no opportunity to shoot to goal, the call should not be made.
  • Set a moving or stationary pick out of visual field of an opposing player, which does not allow enough time or space to stop or change direction and contact occurs.
  • Detain an opponent by holding, tagging, or pushing against her body, clothing, or crosse with an arm, leg, body, or crosse. A player may not hold her crosse in such a manner as to restrain or hold back a player.
  • Hold or cradle the head of her crosse in front of her face, within her sphere or close to her body, making a legal/safe check impossible.
  • Shoot dangerously and/or without control.
  • FOUL on the GOAL SCORER, any major foul committed against the goal scorer will be penalized. The goal will count and the game will be restarted with a free position at center for the team scoring the goal rather than a draw.


MINOR FOULS:All US Lacrosse rules apply

  • Guard or cover a ground ball with a player’s crosse.
  • Intentional “empty’ stick check.
  • Allow any part of her body to impede, accelerate or change the direction of the ball to her team’s distinct advantage (new rule change – “kicking” is OK)
  • Throw her crosse in any circumstance.


PENALTY ZONE/8 METER SHOTS: Creation of a penalty zone in the critical scoring area, such that all players’ and sticks must be 8 meters away from the goal circle above goal-line extended and the area created by the extension of the 8-meter mark to the dots and across the dots. This zone was created to establish an area that must be cleared when a major foul by a defensive player occurs in the 8-meter arc for both safety and pace of play, by limiting the recurrence of shooting space calls.

CONDUCT: In addition to the above penalties for major fouls, an official may give any number of verbal cautions or a yellow card for unsportsmanlike conduct or inappropriate behavior. If a player receives more than 2 yellow cards she will be suspended for the remainder of that game.  Spectators must contribute to a safe-play environment by demonstrating positive and sportsman-like conduct and by understanding and appreciating the unique rules and culture of the women’s game.