Tryout Details
- Tryouts for Gold Star are held every August. All players must tryout each year in order to be selected for a team.
- Players must register online for tryouts.
- All tryout fees are non-refundable.
- The tryout fee covers all tryout dates. Players must attend at least one tryout, but are encouraged to attend as many tryout dates as possible.
- Players will be notified of their status by email 24-28 hours after the last tryout date. We ask that ask you to accept or decline your spot in our program within 24 hours of this email.
Team Membership
- Players who make Gold Star will be placed on a team based on year of graduation.
- 3rd-6th grade, 7/8th grade, and High School practice together year-round
- The season runs from September-July and is filled with practices, tournaments and league play.
- The Gold Star membership fee is paid annually. This fee covers practices, uniforms, coaches, field rental, web site administration, equipment expenses, and other operating expenses. Registration must be completed online and payment in full or a payment plan must be received or set up before the first practice date.
- The membership fee is non-refundable. The only exception to this is if a player has a documented medical injury that prevents her from playing for a prolonged period of time. The player will receive a reimbursement proportionate to the amount of time she will miss.
- Gold Star players are not allowed to play for another club or town elite team that plays year-round
- Each team will practice approximately 10 times per season (fall, winter & summer). Youth has 4 additional practices in the spring. High school teams will not have practice in the spring.
- Our schedule usually stays consistent from year to year. Check out our archives section.
- Players are not required to attend all practices, but it is highly recommended. We understand that our players will face many other obligations including schoolwork, extra-curricular activities, family commitments, and other sports. We do not want our players to give up all other sports in order to play lacrosse; we encourage multi-sports as it helps build well-rounded athletes. It is our hope that our student-athletes will strive to become elite lacrosse players and will work all Gold Star events into their schedule. Coaches will take practice attendance into consideration when it comes to tournament playing time. We strongly believe that the more committed a player is to Gold Star, the more her lacrosse skills will develop.
- Those players who consistently go to practice are the ones who usually excel when it comes to individual skills. These players also find the most comfort on the field during tournaments with their skills, and when it comes to playing with their teammates.
- If a player cannot attend practice, she must email her coach ahead of time.
- The practice schedule will be posted on our website under “Dates.” Please note that some practice dates and times may change due to field availability, weather, or other circumstances.
- In the event of a cancellation, families will be notified via email. There will also be posts on Facebook and Twitter. We will do our best to makeup the practice, but it is not guaranteed.
- Players are expected to attend as many tournaments as possible. These tournaments are essential to both player and team development.
- Tournaments are a la carte – you sign up and pay for the ones you can and want to play in. This allows for all types of players with different types of schedules
- Teams for tournaments are based ALL of the following:
- Player sign ups
- Grade. In general, players play on a team made up of players from the same grade. In some instances, grades may be combined and/or split into A and B
- Skill
- Practice Attendance
- When sign-up numbers are large, we do send an “A” and a “B” team for that particular grade and division.
- Rosters are fluid! This helps keep practices competitive; “A” team players should not take their spot for granted and “B” team players should be motivated to work hard and move up. Gold Star coaches are constantly evaluating all players, as it is our job to place players on the appropriate team. An “A” team player is one with a high-level stick skills, fitness levels and game understanding, and one who is consistently coming to practice.
- Most tournaments are based on the following divisions: 5/6th, 7th, 8th, High School. 3rd & 4th graders – please keep this in mind! You will often be playing against 5th and 6th graders unless there is a designated 3rd/4th grade division.
- We do our best to enter our teams into the appropriate division and level.
- Players must register for tournaments on our website by the specified deadline.
- Tournament fees are paid separately. All tournament fees are non-refundable.
- We will work to keep tournament rosters sizes at an optimal number; we do not want to have too many subs, or too few subs. For 7 v 7 tournaments, the ideal roster size is 10-12 and for full field tournaments, 16-18. For that reason, tournament registration will close once a team is full.
- All players will receive playing time, however equal playing time is not guaranteed. Playing time is at the discretion of the coach only.
- All travel and accommodations for a tournament are the responsibility of that player’s family.
- Tournament rosters, schedules and waivers will be available approximately one week before the tournament date. All of this information will be emailed to each player and posted online.
- Players should arrive at the field 1 hour before the first game.
- We will have a Gold Star tent set up at each outdoor tournament. Families are invited to bring snacks and beverages to share. Coaches will help set up this tailgate.
Spring League
- In the spring, our youth (5-8th grade) teams will play in a competitive league.
- 3rd & 4th grade is invite only
- The league fee is paid separately
- Each team is guaranteed 6-7 full-field games against other club teams from the Northeast.
Gold Star Lacrosse, LLC. is insured by US Lacrosse for general liability and accident insurance through RPS Bollinger on the condition that the event operator, all players and head coaches are active US Lacrosse Members. Through Bollinger Insurance, US Lacrosse provides exclusive on-the-field coverage for all US Lacrosse members participating in our practice, tournaments, clinics, leagues and events
Each year, all Gold Star club players are required to be up-to-date US Lacrosse members. It is the responsibility of each parent to renew their player's US Lacrosse membership at Gold Star will manually check US Lacrosse numbers and expiration dates for all of our club players each month. No player or coach will be allowed to participate without a valid US Lacrosse membership, as this would nullify our insurance policy.